Patient list | | Glossary of terms Blackland Prairie Raptor Center
24-0082 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-03-23
Final date -
Days in captivity45
SpeciesCOHA - Cooper's hawk
Neurologic - Head trauma

Cause of injury: Unknown

Found in Frisco,TX
Collin county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate4530.001350.00
Complete blood count121.0021.00
Packed cell volume320.0060.00
Total  1666.00

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images


2024-05-06 10:32 gem
Leftovers: 6

2024-05-05 11:52 KC
Leftovers: 0
1/2 quail

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-05-05
Examiner - KC
3.5 Flights;speed not good; landings were ok;stayed up

2024-05-04 13:00 KN
Leftovers: 0
Food: 1/2 Q (+ Vitahawk)

OBSERVATION: While standing, the right wing is hanging lower than the left.

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-05-04
Examiner - KN
3 consecutive flights, 5 single flights. Flies with little prompting, trying to fly up and past the walls, landing heavily. Both legs hanging evenly while in flight.

2024-05-03 10:35 KL
Leftovers: 0
Food: 1/2 Q (+ Vitahawk)

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-05-03
Examiner - KL
9 total round trips on longer back half only without stops. Also 6 total round trips on the whole L shape. No net used to get it to fly.

2024-05-02 09:50 KM/AH
Leftovers: 0
Food: 1/2 Q (+ Vitahawk)74g Q

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-05-02
Examiner - KM/AH
2 x 1/2 length full laps, 1 x 3/4 length full lap, 1 x total side length full lap; quick, frantic, LOUD flaps

2024-05-01 14:59 wr/mc
Weight: 328 grams, Leftovers: 0
Food: 1/2 Q 100g (+ Vitahawk)
Moved to LF5

2024-04-30 11:02 mb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 1/2 Q (+ Vitahawk)
76 g quail

2024-04-29 10:28 th
Leftovers: 0
Food: 1/2 Q approx 85g (+ Vitahawk) l/o 0

2024-04-28 11:30 JB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 1/2 Q(86g) (+ Vitahawk)

2024-04-27 12:22 DB/ LP
Leftovers: 0
Food: 1/2 Q (+ Vitahawk)

2024-04-26 12:27 KL
Leftovers: 0
Food: 1/2 Q @ 84g (+ Vitahawk)

2024-04-25 11:46 ds/km
Leftovers: 6
Fed 86g Q, 6g L/O

2024-04-24 12:59 lbw/hb
Weight: 328 grams, Leftovers: 30
Food: fed 82g 1/2 Q (+ Vitahawk)

l/o were Q legs.

Check more carefully for l/o!! 5 Q legs were found under the trays

Bandage was falling off, applied telfa and micropore

2024-04-23 11:57 cb
Leftovers: 16
Food: half a Q (+ Vitahawk)
food weighed 70g

ants on right food tray! greased the tray attachment and cleared the top of tray

2024-04-22 10:17 TH/LR/LA
Leftovers: 0
Food: 1 Q (+ Vitahawk)

2024-04-21 10:30 JF
Leftovers: 32
Food: 144g Q (+ Vitahawk)

2024-04-20 11:55 lp
Leftovers: 0
Food: 134g Q (+ Vitahawk)

2024-04-19 12:28 TDB/LRS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 180g Q (+ Vitahawk)
Gave 1/2 Q at 100g

2024-04-18 12:22 lrs/ds
Leftovers: 50
Fed 180g M, 50 l/o

2024-04-17 10:16 HML

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
No treatment plan specified

2024-04-17 09:49 HB/HML
Weight: 337 grams, BCS: 3.0, Leftovers: 62
Changed diet from quail to mice today to see if it will eat.
80g M with vitahawk

Rechecked carpus.Scab healing over site. applied hydroactive gel/telfa/tegaderm/micropore to carpus.
Discontinue meds

2024-04-16 10:53 OK/MB
Leftovers: 24
Flying is sparatic and takes a while to land on perch
Balance is not ideal yet
Wing bandage still on and intact

2024-04-15 10:04 th
Leftovers: 54
Food: 180g Q (+ Vitahawk) l/o 54g Q
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

2024-04-14 10:31 JB
Leftovers: 34
Food: 150g Q (+ Vitahawk)
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

2024-04-13 11:42 LP
Leftovers: 86
Food: 180g Q (+ Vitahawk)
AM meds 10:20 LP
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Ate all the breast meat
Holding wing out

2024-04-12 15:02 JM

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Meloxicam: 0.11 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) SID PO

2024-04-12 13:30 KW

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
No treatment plan specified

2024-04-12 10:54 MC
Weight: 320 grams, BCS: 2.5, Leftovers: 78
Food: 212g Q

Three whole mice as leftovers.

Solid flight. Had to be caught and brought in. Probably made 8 to 10 flights back and forth total. Lots of flying up to the edges of the roof and then flying back. Only used the perches about a third of the time. Eventually got tired and landed on the ground. Tricky catching withnnets so had to be caught by hand off the perch once worn out completely. Had injured its wing and reopened a past scab. Took in and was treated.

Weight loss but Hailey said he had a great keel.

Collection date2024-04-12 10:54:00
PCV50 %
TS4.0 g\dl
Collection date2024-04-12 10:54:00
PCV50 %
TS-1.0 g\dl
Collection date2024-04-12
WBC count5000
Corrected count5555
Hets/Neut59% - 3277
Lymphs19% - 1055
Eos7% - 388
Mono15% - 833
Baso0% - 0
Read bymb

2024-04-11 11:51 ds
Leftovers: 74
Fed 80g M, 74 l/o

2024-04-10 11:56 hb
Weight: 344 grams, BCS: 2.0, Leftovers: 124
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Crop empty when weighed.
L/o mostly skin and bones.

Moved to LF4.
When released into LF4, pt flew back and forth once, then landed on high perch. Lost its balance rather badly when it perched but was able to right itself. When approached, pt flew back and forth 3 times, grabbing at the wall or ceiling twice, then attempted to grab high perch unsuccessfully. Lost its balance badly when it attempted to grab the perch and fell to the ground. Stood with R wing drooped for about 5 seconds, then stood up tall with wings tucked.

Watch closely for stability/perching ability.

2024-04-09 10:40 ap
Leftovers: 0
Fed 186g quail s/o +Vitahawk
Quail was fed instead of mice
Observation: Aggitated when I entered. Strong flights back and forth from the perches.

2024-04-08 08:59 gm/bm
Leftovers: 26
having problems grabbing hold of perch with his left leg. Running into walls

Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk) l/o 26

2024-04-07 13:04 KC
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-04-07
Examiner - KC
Poor motor control especially in legs, severe right wing droop

2024-04-06 12:46 LP
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
On top perch

Right wing is hanging slightly.

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-04-06
Examiner - KN
Flying frantically. Is having some trouble landing on perch, struggling to place it's feet correctly, but is able to land without falling to the ground. When in flight one leg is hanging more than the other

2024-04-05 12:33 JM

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
No treatment plan specified

2024-04-04 11:43 NC
Leftovers: 12
Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk), 12g l/o
Meloxicam: 0.10 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO given at 10:06

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-04-04
Examiner - NC
flew 3 frantic loops upon entering; could not get feet underneath on the perch, after 4 attempts of overshooting and undershooting, finally got feet on perch

2024-04-03 11:30 lbw/jm
Leftovers: 76
======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Ivermectin: 0.01 cc (10 mg/ml inj) SQ on 2024-04-05
Meloxicam: 0.10 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) SID PO

Food: 80g M (+ Vitahawk)
Meloxicam: 0.10 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

L/o had not been picked up for at least 2 days. Mostly skin and bones. About 30g looked fresh.

Behavioral observations: on perches, not the ground; appears stable; R wing slightly drooped.

2024-04-02 12:34 mb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g gutless M (+ Vitahawk)
Meloxicam: 0.10 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

2024-04-01 10:58 lr
Leftovers: 0
Offered 80g with 0 leftover

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-04-01
Examiner - lr
Flew from perch to perch 6-8 times. Had a drupy wing and landed on the ground once but then flew up to the perch

2024-03-31 10:38 JB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g gutless M (+ Vitahawk)
Meloxicam: 0.10 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

2024-03-30 12:17 DB KN
Leftovers: 56
Food: 80g gutless M (+ Vitahawk)
Meloxicam: 0.10 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Body movement is unbalanced. Heavily favoring right side.
Was on perch for a little bit then flew from one perch to another about 4 times and had trouble landing then landed on the ground.
Right wing was hanging. Flew back on perch before we left.

2024-03-29 15:48 hml

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Ivermectin: 0.01 cc (10 mg/ml inj) SQ on 2024-04-05
Meloxicam: 0.10 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) SID PO

2024-03-29 11:38 JM
Weight: 304 grams, Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g gutless M (+ Vitahawk)

Meds given PO at 11:21am
Meloxicam: 0.10 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
0.01 mL Ivermectin [10 mg/mL]

moved to LLA6 for day for observation. .
Was wobbly at first and favoring right side. Was unable to grip with right talon

Later in afternoon, bird was able to grip the perch with its right foot.Still leaning to the right and using wing for balance. JGM

leaving in LLA6

2024-03-29 08:36 JM

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Ivermectin: 0.01 cc (10 mg/ml inj) SQ on 2024-04-05
Meloxicam: 0.10 ml (1.5 mg/ml susp) SID PO

2024-03-28 14:15 MC
Leftovers: 0
Meds given at 12:09pm
Food: 80g gutless M (+ Vitahawk), meds in diet
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.20 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO
standing, attempted to fly out of kennel

2024-03-28 12:51 JM

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Ivermectin: 0.01 cc (10 mg/ml inj) SQ on 2024-04-05
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.20 ml (1.5 mg/ml) SID PO

2024-03-28 08:51 JM

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Meloxicam - high dose: 0.20 ml (1.5 mg/ml) SID PO

2024-03-27 12:23 lbw jm
Leftovers: 14
AM meds 0853 jm
Food: 80g skinless gutless M (+ Vitahawk)
meloxicam head trauma: 0.39ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO
BAR, standing, ataxic

PM meds given at 2:50pm
meloxicam head trauma: 0.39ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO

2024-03-26 11:11 KW
Leftovers: 0
AM meds PO/ Fed in kennel: 10:15am JM
Food: 80g skinless gutless M (+ Vitahawk)
meloxicam head trauma: 0.39ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO

Moved to LICU

PM meds PO: 2:33pm KW
meloxicam head trauma: 0.39ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO

2024-03-26 11:11 KW

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
meloxicam head trauma: 0.39ml (1.5 mg/ml) BID PO

2024-03-25 10:19 MC
Leftovers: 0
Food: 80g Q (+ Vitahawk)
16 g TF; 30g remaining put in carrier

Meds given PO at 9:48 am by jm
meloxicam head trauma: 0.39ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO

QAR, ataxic, atempting to stand

PM meds given at 2:13pm
ate food from AM, left rest of diet in pm
Food: 32g Q (+ Vitahawk)
meloxicam head trauma: 0.39ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO

2024-03-25 08:42 JM

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
meloxicam head trauma: 0.39ml (1.5 mg/ml) BID PO

2024-03-24 09:32 jj

AM Treatments completed at 10:30 - SR
30 mls LRS w/ 0.10 mls B-12
meloxicam head trauma: 0.39 ml (1.5 mg/ml) PO
Vitamin K, 0.07 mls in SQ fluid bubble
Moved to incubator, oxygen at 4
TF 12 g. Q AM
Karo Syrup PO

Pt has very poor muscle control, head slumped, laying lateral
SR Drew blood for PCV, vein blew and clotted abnormally, very slow clotting time,

TS not ran, sample too small

PM feeding done at 2:10
12 g. Q

Collection date2024-03-24 09:32:00
PCV50 %
TS0.0 g\dl

2024-03-23 15:12 jj

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
LRS SQ 29.5 in both legs
meloxicam head trauma: 0.39 ml (1.5 mg/ml) SID PO
On a black mat with donut

2024-03-23 15:10 jj
Weight: 296 grams, BCS: 2.5

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Behavior and Neuro: Lethargic
Left wing: pain reaction when extending
Right elbow: large bruise and swelling
Left leg: small amt pain reaction warmer than other foot
Right leg: Very lettle pain reaction cold to touch
Other observations: was not standing- not wing fx seen in xray

2024-03-23 14:54 jj

Version 3.1.5 - 3.18.43 Tue May 07 02:20:58 2024